About Us

What We Do

Our Services

Opal housing is a supported independent living housing service that provides support for Young People and Adults aged 18 and over. We help the transitioning process into independent living, where appropriate, our focus is to design a person centred service to drive autonomy and informed decision making that nurtures independence in a friendly supportive and homely environment.  

About Our Homes

Our homes will be secure, comfortable and with trained qualified staff that will ensure the best quality of care. As part of the national standard set for registered providers, we will be governed and subject to regular audits by the local authorities that we will be collaborating with. 

Our Aim

As part of the community inclusion guide set by the government as well as leading charities in the field, we aim to provide homes located on residential streets, near transportation, educational institutions, and other services. This is so our service users will have good access to local resources that will aid with the development of their inter-personal and transferable skills.

The location of our homes will take into account the need to tackle isolation, promote access to local communities, families, friends and advocates.

Supporting You

Our organisation will deliver and maintain an exceptional service that will support our service users. This will help strengthen their skills in an appropriate and person-centred way, in order to grow their independence while also improving and sustaining their overall quality of life.

We will provide a service where every individual will feel safe, secure, valued and respected.

Achieving Independence

To provide quality support for every individual with or without learning difficulties, including challenging behaviour. We want to inspire and empower every individual to grow and achieve their independence, whilst having the right of choice and access to their community services. Opal housing would achieve this through outcome driven goals set by the service users, family and advocates. 

We Support You

We provide support for individuals with to transition into adulthood smoothly as possible.

Learning Difficulties

Dyslexia | Dyscalculia | Dysgraphia | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Learning Disabilities

Down’s Syndrome | William’s Syndrome | Rett Syndrome | Prader-Willi Syndrome | Autism Spectrum Disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome | Cerebral Palsy | Tourette’s Syndrome